There was some deliberation during the planning stage of our holiday to Indonesia whether during our first week on Sulawesi it would be better to stay at a dive resort on the mainland or to stay on Bunaken Island itself. Having returned I can now say that we definitely made the right decision when we opted to stay on Bunaken Island. The scenery was spectacular and diving every day with Manado Tua (which looks for all the world like a mini-volcano) as a backdrop was certainly no hardship. Most days Manado Tua was even crowned with a little puff of cloud just to complete the effect. 🙂 Continue reading “‘Turtle City’, Bunaken Island, Sulawesi – July 2013”
Black Carrs, St. Abbs – July 2013
Black Carrs is a site that will be familiar to anyone who has dived at St. Abbs before. It’s a great place to see Atlantic Wolffish and when we visited here back in June we actually saw six of them on a single dive! We dived from Paul Crowe’s boat The Tiger Lilly again.
Continue reading “Black Carrs, St. Abbs – July 2013”
Back to Conservation Bay, Loch Carron – June 2013
We returned to Loch Carron at the end of June to dive Conservation Bay again. You can read more about our previous visit as well as where it is etc. by clicking here. We also dived Inverinate the same weekend which is the subject of another earlier post.
Having sussed out the best time to dive here we were able to relax a bit more than last time and enjoy this stunning site. We headed a good bit further along the wall to where it starts to peter out until meeting the sea bed and disappearing completely.
Continue reading “Back to Conservation Bay, Loch Carron – June 2013”
‘Unknown Wreck’, Moray Firth – July 2013

Yet another of this years dives that was a first for me, on a wreck this time and one whose identity is unknown. This is fairly unusual as most of the wrecks dived by recreational divers have been identified and it is usually possible with a bit of Googling to find out how the vessel met its fate. Not so for this particular wreck which consists of a good sized boiler and a collection of other wreckage strewn across the bottom at a depth of approximately 26m not far from Cullen.